Damirsvrtan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2562,423fastererUse Fasterer to check various places in your code that could be faster.
217,3597,951stormpath-sdkStormpath SDK used to interact with the Stormpath REST API
320,5287,951stormpath-railsStormpath Rails integration
446,94029,512dreadDraw a graph of dependently destroyable associations and never dread about destroying y...
561,70615,342space_invadersClassic arcade game written in Ruby w/ Gosu.
677,36529,512websocket-rack-noodlesRack-based WebSocket server for Noodles Web Framework. Fork from http://github.com/iman...
777,38451,220noodlesRack based web framework
8102,27929,512eztvEZTV wrapper for the catastrophic EZTV API.
9156,74151,220initiateInitiate is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by thoughtbot to get ...