Manzo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,97080,049kalibro_clientKalibroClient is a Ruby gem intended to be an interface for Ruby applications who want ...
224,87280,049kalibro_gemKalibroGem is a Ruby gem intended to be an interface for Ruby applications who want to ...
328,02780,049kalibro_gatekeeper_clientKalibroGatekeeperClient is a Ruby gem intended to be an interface for KalibroGatekeeper...
434,51880,049kolektiKolekti is a code metric results parser framework. You can use it whenever you want str...
541,75080,049gisdatigoAutomates most of the gem update process for Rails applications managed with bundler. B...
649,86146,897savon-ng-1.6This a fork from Daniel Harrington's savon with nokogiri updated to 1.6
750,11680,049likenoConnects services through a RESTful API
861,01546,897nori-ng-1.6This a fork from Daniel Harrington's Nori with nokogiri updated to 1.6
967,107163,113kalibro_entitiesKalibroEntities is a Ruby gem intended to be an interface for Ruby applications who wan...
1070,92246,897wasabi-ng-1.6This a fork from Daniel Harrington's Wasabi with nokogiri updated to 1.6
11128,75880,049kolekti_metricfuMetric collecting support for Ruby that servers Kolekti.
12140,68734,466c_niftiCNifti is a wrapper for the standard C NIfTI 1 library found at http://afni.nimh.nih.go...
13166,28180,049kolekti_cc_phpmdMetric collecting support for PHP that servers Kolekti.
14166,28180,049kolekti_radonMetric collecting support for Python that serves Kolekti.
15166,40839,736kolekti_analizoMetric collecting support for C, C++ and JAVA that servers Kolekti.