Wtnabe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,41637,465gyunyunow available export command
231,10928,212ical2gcalYou can sync local and remote ics file(s) to google calendar
358,73153,644jshint4rjshint runner for ruby
465,82747,929rqrcode_png_bincommand line interface for rqrcode
570,77640,267simple-hd-graphparse single-tier hierarchy and simplex direction graph from YAML, and generate PlantUM...
679,82860,549ga-shikomiNow, You can fetch general ga data.
784,35384,493xls_html_cleanerClean up your Excel generated HTML
885,63560,549rtm-timeparse and inspect RTM's estimate time
985,800147,291activerecord-simple_explainexplain method for ActiveRecord 3.0.x and 3.1.x
1093,43884,493shlauncherA shell script launcher
1194,33484,493xig_installerInstaller for net-irc example irc gateways
12118,788147,291crontabwrapcrontab command wrapper for creating backup for each user
13134,893147,291duration-rangegenerate Date or Time range from human daily time interval.
14157,21084,493rack-access_as_not_foundreplace status code from 403 to 404 with Rack::Access in 'rack-contrib' gem.
15179,37084,493jekyll-kroki-tagtext-to-diagram power to Jekyll with kroki.io
16179,41984,493sudachi-installerdownload and store Sudachi jar and dict files
17182,882107,887heroku-app-infostore Application Stack, PotgsreSQL version, etc. mainly for upgrade management.