Enorganik's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,94836,605boxletUpload pics from your phone
273,23318,747tokenizr-railsAdds token-based finders to ActiveRecord
374,46397,699missing-mathA library of missing math functions.
485,13820,946tokenizrThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
598,53097,699safetynetSafetynet keeps track of email communications by user/email and ActionMailer message. I...
6107,98497,699viglink-apiViglink API Wrapper
7114,21197,699console_logLog rails variables to the browser console.
8147,83853,223tourA multi-hosted cli + server package
9148,15353,223tour_serverA multi-hosted cli + server package
10148,67297,699exception_listIncludes a class method as well as a rake task to output the list.