Wbotelhos's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,33311,043normalizyAttribute normalizer for Rails.
227,74311,877ratingA true Bayesian rating system with scope and cache enabled.
328,85363,432capybara-boxA Tool Box for Capybara.
431,73541,916data_migraterGenerates Data Migrations on Migrate style.
538,14563,432idyAn ID obfuscator for ActiveRecord.
651,48363,432gn-trackerGem which encapsulates logstash-logger
760,03215,400attachyAttachments handler for Rails via Cloudinary.
863,92313,614rspeedSplit and speed up your RSpec tests.
968,41263,432authorizyA JSON based Authorization.
1072,87963,432votingA Binomial proportion confidence interval voting system with scope and cache enabled.
11108,06363,432sxsSNS/SQS wrapper to make development (Redis) and test (Memory) environment transparent.
12120,93163,432env_mockMock your ENVs.
13122,82741,916graph_typesA Collection of Types for GraphQL.
14138,87463,432html_compressA HTML compress rack middleware
15160,07963,432address_formatterThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
16160,44763,432breadcrumbyA solid Breadcrumb for Rails.
17167,58663,432codereviewerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
18168,20463,432mayThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
19173,64663,432templatyRails template generator.
20178,06363,432graphql_authenticationGraphQL + JWT + Devise