Lukas_skywalker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
179,02380,049osm-rb["OSM-rb", "allows", "you", "to", "manipulate", "and", "export", "OSM", "map", "tiles."...
2106,46215,051codefabrik-styleguideProvides Rails applications with standard styles, including a responsive grid.
3112,41480,049wurstDoes things.
4126,045163,113hitmanFuzzes all your API endpoints with the toughest input until it breaks.
5129,34480,049phonegap_buildSmall ruby wrapper for most actions of the PhoneGap Build API, such as creating and bui...
6129,79580,049omniauth-nextcloudomniauth provider for the Nextcloud API
7131,77761,626t2dEasy test driven development for everyone
8160,98880,049knife-scalewayA plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of Scaleway servers
9161,428163,113adjacency_matrixAllows storing adjacency matrices
10164,12080,049floyd_warshallFinds the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes of a graph
11165,83480,049orderable2Allows to set the order of AR queries using URL parameters
12167,404163,113rails_structured_dataHelpers for creating and embedding structured data for search engine optimiz...
13167,91680,049i18n_tasksAutomatically generates locale files for Rails for different use cases
14170,640163,113swisspayEasily accept payments from different payment providers such as Stripe, Paypal, Postfin...
16175,52339,736osmosisThis powerful database utility library simplifies and automates common database tasks, ...
17178,020163,113scaleway_apiRuby bindings for the Scaleway API.
18180,95280,049postfinancecheckout-railsSimple integration of Postfinance Checkout for Rails applications
19181,48380,049importanceImportance allows users to upload spreadsheets in any format and lets them select how t...