Lukas_skywalker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
179,63239,356osm-rb["OSM-rb", "allows", "you", "to", "manipulate", "and", "export", "OSM", "map", "tiles."...
2111,078136,605wurstDoes things.
3125,86677,462hitmanFuzzes all your API endpoints with the toughest input until it breaks.
4129,06377,462phonegap_buildSmall ruby wrapper for most actions of the PhoneGap Build API, such as creating and bui...
5132,16764,371codefabrik-styleguideProvides Rails applications with standard styles, including a responsive grid.
6132,37577,462t2dEasy test driven development for everyone
7133,66254,945omniauth-nextcloudomniauth provider for the Nextcloud API
8159,68998,702knife-scalewayA plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of Scaleway servers
9160,574136,605adjacency_matrixAllows storing adjacency matrices
10162,76898,702floyd_warshallFinds the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes of a graph
11164,46177,462orderable2Allows to set the order of AR queries using URL parameters
12165,76198,702rails_structured_dataHelpers for creating and embedding structured data for search engine optimiz...
13166,67077,462i18n_tasksAutomatically generates locale files for Rails for different use cases
14170,49977,462swisspayEasily accept payments from different payment providers such as Stripe, Paypal, Postfin...
16177,49564,371scaleway_apiRuby bindings for the Scaleway API.
17179,30998,702postfinancecheckout-railsSimple integration of Postfinance Checkout for Rails applications
18179,55598,702importanceImportance allows users to upload spreadsheets in any format and lets them select how t...