Jasonbarnabe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6891,751devise-i18nTranslations for the devise gem
25,1194,791devise-i18n-viewsTranslatable views for devise and the translations that go with them
38,2037,048qbxmlQuickbooks XML Parser
49,8417,378qbwcA Rails interface for Intuit's Quickbooks Web Connector that's OPEN SOURCE!
515,28916,002csspoolThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
697,96169,238transifex-rubyRuby client library for Transifex API
7109,74669,238routes_dont_workProvide a test to check if all the routes in a Rails app go to a controller or view
8152,06769,238simple-form-datepicker-reloadedDatepicker inputs for SimpleForm, updated for 3.1.0.