Meinac's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,450849pry-shellpry-shell gem provides multiple remote pry sessions.
21,756820oj-introspectEmbeds start and end byte offsets of JSON objects into generated Ruby hashes.
362,23269,639console_progress_baruseful progress bar gem for console usage
463,34469,639easy_redisCreates getter and setter methods for redis store.
586,27046,004easy_confEasyConf is a gem for reading configurations either from yaml files or from environment...
698,36669,639lazy_image_tagThis gem gives you to render lazy image ability
8114,59569,639route_listGet rails route list programmatically.
9127,40469,639odfProgrammatically create ODT, ODS and ODP files in Ruby.
10142,52669,639odf_coreThe full set of ODF elements and attributes translated into plain Ruby objects.
11143,14769,639stack_trace-rspecAutomatically generates traces for test cases
12155,37646,004stack_trace-vizVisualization library for StackTrace gem
13166,50946,004akeliusThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
14168,50869,639fast_activesupportActive Support impelementation in C for the ones who need for speed.
15170,02369,639const_readerCreates reader methods for constants
16172,56369,639pantomathOpentracing utility
17175,82069,639pire_loaderLazy and Async preloading for ActiveRecord associations
18180,73669,639stack_trace-integrationsStackTrace integrations library for Rspec, Rack, and Sidekiq
19181,11369,639fast_jsonWork in progress...