1 | 10,811 | 8,973 | nazrin | Ruby wrapper for Amazon CloudSearch (aws-sdk), with ActiveRecord, Mongoid support for e... |
2 | 41,687 | 19,470 | activerecord-cursor | cursor pagination for ActiveRecord |
3 | 48,254 | 86,038 | niconize | wrapper of mechanize for nicovideo |
4 | 56,339 | 86,038 | dinamo | DynamoDB ORM for Ruby |
5 | 79,079 | 86,038 | agqr-recorder | This specify the date and time in the cron format. |
6 | 103,802 | 86,038 | activerecord-grouping_enum | Grouping the enum of ActiveRecord |
7 | 108,385 | 53,556 | nazrin-kaminari | Kaminari generator for nazrin |
8 | 146,692 | 86,038 | voicetext | voicetext API Ruby Client |
9 | 153,496 | 86,038 | fake_associations | To enable to use ActiveRecord association in the module is not ActiveRecord. |
10 | 162,732 | 86,038 | ruboty-nicosa | Ruboty handler for searching from niconico. |