Azanar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
173,05469,978punchoutA flexible implementation of the Registry pattern, with an extensible finder/matcher me...
2102,28869,978schleppAn extensible chunking file transferer
3108,02736,117combinateA simple utility gem that combines all products of all combinations of an array of arra...
4115,25769,978hopperA framework for task execution written around bunny
5120,59669,978hydrogenCommon elements to the Quasar toolchain of gems
6127,74469,978hayA generic workflow definition framework.
7129,96145,908boundyBoundy is a bounding and constraining library for any comparable types; it is like Rang...
8141,90969,978manacleManacle will allow you to attach constraints to your objects that will persist across n...
9144,09969,978sidebarTakes instances of Sidekiq errors from Rollbars and reenqueues them.
10165,13145,908convergeData merger
11168,99369,978schlepp-awsAWS-specific transports for Schlepp