Delphaber's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,66833,893wordmoveWordmove deploys your WordPress websites at the speed of light.
211,04810,377photocopierPhotocopier provides FTP/SSH adapters to abstract away file and directory copying.
313,55625,716dato_json_schemaA JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator.
415,03541,086welaika-suspendersweLaika's fork of the famous thoughbot suspenders gem.
527,31461,367wordlessThe quickest CLI tool to setup a new WordPress locally. Wordless ready.
638,45461,367wordpress_toolsCommand line tool to manage WordPress installations.
745,76861,367skubyA Ruby interface to Skebby
869,03361,367solidus_billing_addressModifies Spree::Address to allow customer to enter VAT Number, codice fiscale (personal...
990,16225,716magnews-rubyUnofficial Magnews REST API ruby interface
1090,17361,367simple_service_objectIt implements the command pattern in a simple way.
11100,84833,893fast_thumbhashProvides a highly optimized implementation of the ThumbHash algorithm, a compact repres...
12124,87261,367solidus_bank_transferBank Transfer