1 | 6,291 | 10,107 | ezcater_rubocop | ezCater custom cops and shared configuration |
2 | 7,026 | 11,193 | ezcater_matchers | shared matchers |
3 | 9,786 | 5,554 | activerecord-postgres_pub_sub | Support for Postgres Notify/Listen |
4 | 21,059 | 35,920 | sidekiq_publisher | Publisher for enqueuing jobs to Sidekiq |
5 | 37,396 | 86,038 | dirty_associations | Provides a concern for monitoring changes to has_many and has_many_and_belongs_to assoc... |
6 | 64,466 | 86,038 | capistrano_scm_nexus | Enables Capistrano 3 to download artifacts from Nexus and extract their contents to the... |
7 | 71,983 | 86,038 | zeebe_bpmn_rspec | Zeebe BPMN testing using RSpec |
8 | 98,926 | 53,556 | mail_allowed | Easily specify the allowed email addresses in your Rails app. |