Rstammer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,72417,852emarsysA Ruby library for interacting with the Emarsys API.
213,40753,556best_boyHybrid action logging, consisting of standard and custom logging.
337,84386,038beespewBeespew is a naive spam protection plugin for rails using a honeypot
441,27953,556sunspot-null_resultProvides a standalone mock result for Solr searches
544,83686,038schneiderleinRescues from ActionDispatch::ParamsParser and continues in middleware stack
658,78886,038event_girl_clientRuby client library to connect to event_girl app
767,28386,038sunspot_solr-jtsSunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
869,30335,920active_job-rnfAssuming that a queued job has lost its raison d'ĂȘtre when its argument had been delete...
978,86886,038ereignishorizont-clientRuby client library to connect to ereignishorizont app
1082,69928,793iruby-chartkickMinimalistic wrapper around chartkick to use it within IRuby
11109,74886,038saxophoneDeclarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri, Ox or Oga
12114,68886,038tixrissRetrieves links.list data and allows processing/transformation
13117,53086,038cmd_stan_rbStan is a state-of-the-art platform for statistical modeling and high-performance stati...
14152,93353,556levenshtein_rbImplementation of Levenshtein algorithm to determine the similarity of two strings usin...
15178,60935,920use_the_forceRuby wrapper to mimick parts of ActiveRecord query interface to obtain data convenientl...
16179,11786,038rubythinkingRuby code translations and additional material for the book "Statistical Rethinking" of...
17182,71286,038diverterLightweight tool for execution of Ruby code in a forked Ruby process