1 | 11,521 | 51,323 | version_compare | VersionCompare simplifies comparison of version numbers with other version numbers. It ... |
2 | 19,139 | 51,323 | pronto-bundler_audit | Pronto runner for bundler-audit, patch-level verification for bundler. |
3 | 34,568 | 35,332 | object_identifier | Object Identifier allows quick, easy, and uniform identification of an object by inspec... |
4 | 46,311 | 30,390 | object_inspector | Object Inspector takes Object#inspect to the next level. Specify any combination of ide... |
5 | 54,652 | 51,323 | conditional_validation | ConditionalValidation simplifies adding validation flags and then querying state to det... |
6 | 115,762 | 30,390 | gemwork | Gemwork is an abstract framework used by pdobb's Ruby Gems. |
7 | 129,785 | 51,323 | statusable | Statusable adds a `has_statuses` macro for defining common status-related methods for u... |
8 | 178,135 | 30,723 | pdobb-style | pdobb-style houses common base config files for Rubocop and other Ruby linters. |