Tstrebitzer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,7949,357magloveThis gem contains development and built tools for creating MagLoft themes.
216,62633,893dronejobScalable worker factory for ruby
326,25212,502maglove-widgetsThis gem contains shared widgets for MagLove.
427,82761,367acbakerThis gem allows easy conversion and management of xcode asset catalogs.
528,06761,367hamloftThis gem contains template built parser for creating MagLoft theme templates.
630,85661,367workspaceWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
735,04661,367workspace-archiveWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
835,69761,367workspace-parseWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
936,49861,367workspace-mediaWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
1040,56661,367workspace-netWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
1145,48561,367workspace-pdfWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
1245,51116,657maglove-engineThis gem contains development and built tools for rendering MagLoft themes.
1364,01761,367grape-docsgrape-docs automagically generates documentation for your Grape API in various formats.
1467,67261,367adcdownloadThis gem helps you download files from Apple Developer Center.
1568,36561,367dropzonedropzone.js Gem for Ruby on Rails 4
16109,41461,367foliokitFoliokit allows you to convert InDesign .folio files to HTML, which can be presented us...
17111,58761,367activejob-google-cloud-pubsubGoogle Cloud Pub/Sub adapter and worker for ActiveJob
18158,24341,086logging-google-cloudGoogle Cloud Logging appender for the logging gem
19158,51161,367classic-apiClassic API Client to communicate with Classic Server
20169,33141,086magloftmagloft allows you to connect your system to the MagLoft API