Renra's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,91163,432maybe_clientWrapper for connection clients that handles outages without raising errors (and thus ta...
258,90663,432fault_tolerant_redis-activesupportFault tolerant redis store for ActiveSupport
361,09363,432light_stopwatch["Measure the execute time of anything that you pass in a block"]
485,83463,432custom_password_generatorConfigurable strong-password generator
5101,85263,432contextual_procA proc extension that is able to execute in another context/binding a little bit inspir...
6103,01963,432symbolize_arraySymbolizes string in arrays
7144,83763,432symbolize-arraySymbolizes string in arrays
8146,13163,432split_offA method to split off a part a hash