1 | 41,795 | 25,066 | periods | Simple period types like Week, Month, Quarter, Halfyear, Year. |
2 | 46,430 | 55,921 | bundler-pgs | bundler patch to support private gem server (pgs) |
3 | 48,272 | 77,363 | amount_field | Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1... |
4 | 71,401 | 92,362 | aioli_log_formatter | Logging formatter for Rails |
5 | 76,606 | 107,759 | amount_field_rails3 | Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1... |
6 | 100,835 | 139,268 | exception_formatter | Simple formatter for ruby exception messages. |
7 | 104,607 | 77,363 | search_path | Allows to define search paths to find files in. |
8 | 112,579 | 107,759 | hash_keys_sanitizer | Sanitizes hash keys according to a whitelist |
9 | 116,349 | 139,268 | tb_branch_db | Rake tasks to branch a database |
10 | 123,262 | 139,268 | named_scope_for_time_attr | Provides the ActiveRecord helper method named_scope_for_time_attr.... |
11 | 132,937 | 139,268 | injectable_rails_env | Allows injecting the Rails env into a class for testing purpose. |
12 | 134,902 | 139,268 | tb_release | Release an Rails app |
13 | 138,560 | 139,268 | errorception-rails | Add errorception to your Rails app |