Acuppy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2562,161hash_diffDiff tool for deep Ruby hash comparison
215,86911,372paperclip-ghostscriptPaperclip processor for the Ghostscript library
366,86524,968isyType assertion library for method arguments
488,86653,556google-civic-rubyRuby wrapper for the Google Civic API
589,73553,556representable_matchersShoulda-style RSpec/Test Unit matchers for the Representable Gem
690,46053,556conductor-railsDRY-up Rails controllers by leveraging interchangeable conductors to export data
799,00131,663gravasaurus_hexSimple Gravatar url builder
899,71553,556padlock-railsLock a record for editing to avoid concurrent editing collision prevention
9127,85153,556action_conductorDRY-up Rails controllers by leveraging interchangeable conductors to export data
10136,21553,556truemanEasily assert truthy and falsy values on strings integers
11153,01242, CLI
12156,61253,556arborist-railsFramework for working with data migrations and seeds in a Rails application
13179,73353,556faker-shorthandShorthand for the Faker generator syntax