1 | 39,142 | 66,923 | net-openvpn | Net-Openvpn is an openvpn library for configuring a local OpenVPN service |
2 | 41,620 | 66,923 | ian | Gem for manipulating Debian source packages from CLI |
3 | 52,265 | 66,923 | tcl-msgcat | Library for parsing, rendering and merging TCL msgcat files |
4 | 70,638 | 66,923 | net-fping | Net-fping is an fping wrapper that allows fast ping checks on multiple remote hosts |
5 | 86,195 | 66,923 | aptly-watcher | Configures Aptly in a application centric manner, and watches a set of folders for inco... |
6 | 95,817 | 30,535 | redis_alerting | Checks redis for alert conditions and adds keys to a set when a value is round to be ou... |
7 | 105,044 | 43,406 | rackdis | A Ruby clone of the awesome Webdis Redis web API |
8 | 108,440 | 66,923 | knocker | Uses a config file to knock on a host and execute command(s), tries to mimic .ssh/confi... |
9 | 148,514 | 66,923 | observium-agent | Interface with Observium Agents using ruby to gather system information |