Wafcio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
133,08963,432thetvdb_apiRuby client for accessing TV shows information from the thetvdb.com API
240,33863,432service_apiSet of useful modules, classes for api gems
350,25563,432fanart_apiRuby client for fanart.tv API
454,82963,432tvrage_apiRuby client for accessing TV shows information from the tvrage.com API
568,00863,432thetvdb_mapperMapping and normalizing data fetched by thetvdb_api
669,17263,432trakt_apiRuby client for trakt.tv API
779,44022,084rom-csvCSV support for Ruby Object Mapper
885,73063,432omniauth-traktTrakt.tv OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
9100,37622,084rubocop-stylecheckAdds rake tasks for checking ruby style
10122,29430,305alterans-stylecheckRubocop rules used in Alterans Technologies projects
11125,73541,916comic_vine-apiInterface to ComicVine API
12141,16730,305elysiumElysium is a powerful Rails 4 Editable Template Engine
13145,98163,432tardigradeInject method with dependencies
14159,41063,432habucoHAsh BUilder with COntext
15164,15163,432marvel-apiInterface to Marvel API