1 | 32,995 | 53,556 | thetvdb_api | Ruby client for accessing TV shows information from the thetvdb.com API |
2 | 40,238 | 53,556 | service_api | Set of useful modules, classes for api gems |
3 | 50,128 | 86,038 | fanart_api | Ruby client for fanart.tv API |
4 | 54,728 | 86,038 | tvrage_api | Ruby client for accessing TV shows information from the tvrage.com API |
5 | 67,857 | 86,038 | thetvdb_mapper | Mapping and normalizing data fetched by thetvdb_api |
6 | 69,037 | 53,556 | trakt_api | Ruby client for trakt.tv API |
7 | 79,357 | 86,038 | rom-csv | CSV support for Ruby Object Mapper |
8 | 85,613 | 86,038 | omniauth-trakt | Trakt.tv OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth |
9 | 100,401 | 53,556 | rubocop-stylecheck | Adds rake tasks for checking ruby style |
10 | 122,356 | 86,038 | alterans-stylecheck | Rubocop rules used in Alterans Technologies projects |
11 | 125,783 | 86,038 | comic_vine-api | Interface to ComicVine API |
12 | 141,120 | 86,038 | elysium | Elysium is a powerful Rails 4 Editable Template Engine |
13 | 146,034 | 86,038 | tardigrade | Inject method with dependencies |
14 | 159,408 | 53,556 | habuco | HAsh BUilder with COntext |
15 | 163,989 | 53,556 | marvel-api | Interface to Marvel API |