1 | 9,088 | 29,456 | bipbip | Agent to collect data for common server programs and push them to CopperEgg |
2 | 13,590 | 9,357 | vagrant_cloud | Ruby library for the HashiCorp Vagrant Cloud API |
3 | 24,861 | 12,946 | mms-api | Agent for MMS API |
4 | 25,454 | 61,367 | foreman_debian | Wrapper around foreman and Procfile concept. It implements basic exporting, installing ... |
5 | 28,169 | 61,367 | janus_gateway | janus-gateway API client |
6 | 28,772 | 61,367 | vagrant-phpstorm-tunnel | Installs a proxy php binary which can be configured as a php-interpreter in PhpStorm |
7 | 30,804 | 61,367 | komenda | Convenience wrapper around `Open3` to run shell commands in Ruby. |
8 | 32,063 | 61,367 | foreman-export-initd | Foreman-exporter to create init.d- and monit-scripts |
9 | 44,463 | 41,086 | copperegg-revealmetrics | API client for CopperEgg Revealmetrics |
10 | 74,019 | 61,367 | copperegg-alerts | Set and remove alert silencing schedules aka maintenance windows |