Rsinger's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0597,978marcA ruby library for working with Machine Readable Cataloging
213,11028,936openurla Ruby library to create, parse and use NISO Z39.88 OpenURLs
314,17347,988rdfobjectsRDFObjects are intended to simplify working with RDF data by providing a (more) Ruby-li...
432,61947,988cheap_skateA Solr-like interface for situations where running a Java application server is not an ...
533,81847,988enhanced_marcA set of enhancements to ruby-marc to make parsing MARC data easier
634,77147,988sruClient for the Search/Retrieve via URL (SRU) protocol.
750,88547,988sasquatchA highly opinionated Ruby client for the Talis Platform using HTTParty and RDF.rb
862,34947,988rdfobjects-phoA bridge to more easily use RDFObjects with Pho.
999,15647,988rdf-threadsafeA hack to RDF.rb to override its autoloading feature to allow it to work in JRuby threads.
10121,45447,988frbrA set of modules for creating simple FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Re...
11126,77847,988rdfobjects-changesetAn extension to RDFObjects to more easily work with RDF ChangeSets:
12132,01247,988rdf-rdfobjectsAn object oriented interface for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data...
13132,95147,988rdf-gzipGzip file support for RDF.rb readers and writers.