1 | 18,951 | 35,920 | paginative | After spending a lot of time screwing around with orphaned objects and every other prob... |
2 | 20,047 | 53,556 | notify_user | Drop-in solution for user notifications. Handles notifying by email, SMS and APNS, plus... |
3 | 53,913 | 31,663 | active_admin_tokeninput | Turn fields to a token autocomplete in active_admin |
4 | 68,265 | 86,038 | favourite_object | A dropin utility that adds favourites functionality to any object |
5 | 72,759 | 86,038 | favourite_object_paginative | Overrides the original pagination with the paginative gem |
6 | 73,652 | 53,556 | social_auth | Tool for connecting multiple social networks to user's account |
7 | 75,283 | 53,556 | aa_global_notifications | Easily send push notifications to all your mobile users from Active Admin |
8 | 81,827 | 86,038 | geo_query | Saves you the hassle of writing your own location queries and uses pre-built and reusab... |
9 | 104,518 | 42,025 | c66_login | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
10 | 156,083 | 86,038 | record_merge | Merges ActiveRecord recods |
11 | 162,082 | 86,038 | db_bot | DB Bot uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to construct DB queries. What that means ... |