Francescoboffa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,4571,924jweA Ruby implementation of the RFC 7516 JSON Web Encryption (JWE) standard
216,05680,049promoqui-api-sdkThis gem helps Crawler Writers to interact with the PromoQui REST API
323,80711,233jwkA Ruby implementation of the RFC 7517 JSON Web Keys (JWK) standard
431,35080,049uber_loginLogin and logout management with secure "remember me" capabilities and complete session...
531,58530,826k8s_kitA description of your project
645,66780,049has_editable_passwordHasEditablePassword extends has_secure_password with updating capabilities. On password...
7117,42861,626terracopAutomatic Terraform state/plan checking tool. Aims to enforce best practices for Te...
8124,89380,049mongoid4-rspecRSpec matches for Mongoid 4 models, including association and validation matchers
9156,79280,049nginx_log_parserA simple hello world gem
10160,477163,113micro_commonMicroservice common utilities
11166,55980,049jwaA Ruby implementation of the RFC 7518 JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) standard
12175,21880,049ordrORDR is where Restaurants meet Technology. Visit to know more
13176,12546,897chat_gpt_clientAn API client for OpenAI ChatGPT