Clarke's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2391,541defaceDeface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails ap...
23,4304,928solidus_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...
34,0526,491solidus_gatewayAdditional Payment Gateways for Solidus
411,71232,918solidus_commentsAdds comments to the solidus admin
516,62332,918solidus_static_contentManage the static pages of your Solidus store or replace existing pages with a static v...
619,93213,197solidus_multi_domainMultiple Solidus stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing ord...
721,06532,918solidus_related_productsAllows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
828,24753,132oopsOops Opsworks Postal Service: Made to ship code
929,80832,918solidus_trackersBreaking out trackers from solidus core
1031,63141,985solidus_editorCurrently supported editors are CKEditor and TinyMCE
1140,24767,963omcOpsworks Missing Console - Useful Commands for Opsworks
1242,92167,963aws_cred_vaultStores your amazon credentials for multiple IAM accounts.
1350,0678,834solidus_adminAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
1456,70615,258solidus_prototypesBreaking out prototypes from solidus
1557,11827,564solidus_asset_variant_optionsSpree makes it tedious to upload the same image acrossmultiple variants. This gem solve...
1665,66521,608solidus_cmdtools to create new Solidus extensions
1769,10527,564solidus_paybrightThis extension provides the Paybright payment option for your Solidus storefront
1873,74341,985solidus_sitemapProvides a sitemap file for Solidus
1984,70424,062solidus_virtual_gift_cardVirtual gift card for purchase, drops into the user's account as store credit
2085,37724,062solidus_signifydSolidus extension for communicating with Signifyd to check orders for fraud.
2187,74527,564solidus_product_feedA Solidus extension that provides an RSS feed for products, with support for Google Mer...
2293,22241,985solidus_active_shippingProvide shipping rates and tracking for Active Merchant carriers
2395,65127,564solidus_avataxSolidus extension to retrieve tax rates via Avalara's SOAP API.
2496,74927,564solidus_print_invoicePrint invoices from a spree order
25100,85427,564solidus_legacy_return_authorizationsProvides models and admin interfaces to interact with the LegacyReturnAuthorization mod...
26112,06641,985solidus_respondersRemoving responders out of solidus core
27120,68341,985solidus_log_viewerAdds the ability to view payment logs in the admin
28143,61241,985solidus_papertrailViews to see Order, Payment and Shipment Papertrail versions
29149,08767,963hatsrankGets information about stuff.