1 | 10,970 | 20,054 | minke | Minke is a suite of rake tasks for building and testing microservices with Docker. Cur... |
2 | 31,478 | 86,038 | minke-generator-go | Go microservice for Minke, please see https://github.com/nicholasjackson/minkie for fur... |
3 | 34,733 | 53,556 | cucumber-mailcatcher | Some simple cucumber steps to allow behavioural testing with the Mailcatcher mock SMTP ... |
4 | 39,627 | 86,038 | minke-generator-netmvc | .Net Core MVC microservice for Minke, please see https://github.com/nicholasjackson/mi... |
5 | 48,330 | 86,038 | minke-generator-swift | Swift Kitura framework with MySQL generator for Minke |
6 | 67,469 | 86,038 | go_builder | Go builder is a set of rake tasks for building and testing your go application with Doc... |
7 | 73,729 | 86,038 | mimic2 | A Ruby gem for faking external web services for testing, forked and updated version of ... |
8 | 76,622 | 86,038 | pickle-mongodb | Pickle MongoDB allows you to write BDD steps to interact with your MongoDB database, yo... |
9 | 82,514 | 86,038 | consul_loader | Use consul loader to convert your heirachical yaml file into key value paths in consul,... |
10 | 85,619 | 53,556 | vagrant_commands | A simple hello world gem |