Ts_3156's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,46029,512twitter_with_auto_paginationAdd auto paginate feature to Twitter gem.
231,68229,512ex_twitterAdd auto paginate feature to Twitter gem.
335,19129,512twitterscraper-rubyA gem to scrape Tweets
451,15429,512twitter_friendlyThis is a twitter-friendly twitter client.
555,71129,512records_ripThis is a gem to let deleted records rest in peace. :coffin:
657,20729,512unique_jobSet a uniqueness to Sidekiq jobs
772,75629,512validate_specific_valueValidate specific value for Rails
874,28329,512expire_jobSet an expiry to Sidekiq jobs
975,47429,512easy-driveI just want to copy files on google drive.
1090,05723,838validate_japaneseAdd Japanese validators
11120,56418,229timeout_jobSet a timeout to Sidekiq jobs
12135,56223,838fluent-plugin-yammerFluentd Output plugin to process yammer messages with Yammer API.
13143,63320,837tinder-rubyA Ruby interface to the Tinder API
14172,44329,512twitter_clusterFind twitter clusters!