Bklang's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,74216,138toadhopperA base library for Airbrake error reporting
26,20015,924rubigenRubiGen - Ruby Generator Framework
38,44228,212adhearsionAdhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework
49,4628,629punchblockLike Rack is to Rails and Sinatra, Punchblock provides a consistent API on top of sever...
510,04711,416ruby_speechPrepare SSML and GRXML documents with ease
610,194147,291es-reindexRuby gem to copy ElasticSearch index (reindex).
710,88512,140ostruct-sanitizerProvides Rails-like sanitization rules for OpenStruct fields.
817,04384,493echi-converterProvides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into...
917,734107,887adhearsion-asteriskAn Adhearsion Plugin providing Asterisk-specific dialplan methods, AMI access, and acce...
1019,33023,369toadhopper-sinatraPost Hoptoad notifications from Sinatra
1129,46427,104sippy_cupThis tool makes it easier to generate SIPp load tests with DTMF interactions.
1235,425107,887adhearsion-xmppThis gem provides the XMPP plugin to Adhearsion, allowing your Adhearsion application t...
1341,233107,887adhearsion-reporterReport Adhearsion application exceptions and deployments to: Airbrake / Errbit Email N...
1441,44125,983punchblock-consoleThis gem provides a simple interactive console for troubleshooting and debugging the Ra...
1541,983147,291adhearsion-i18nThis provides helpers that manage internationalized audio prompts, both file-based and ...
1644,472147,291att_speechA Ruby library for consuming v3 of the AT&T Speech API for speech->text, and text->spee...
1746,29440,267virginiaGives an Adhearsion app the ability to be controlled and interact over HTTP
1846,757147,291adhearsion-drbThis gem is an Adhearsion plugin that handles the Drb related stuff
1950,54647,929matrioskaAdhearsion plugin for in-call apps. Provides a features-style interface to run applicat...
2051,965147,291electric_slideAutomatic Call Distributor (ACD) for Adhearsion. Currently implements only Round Robin ...
2159,04447,929voicemailA simple, extensible voicemail implementation
2263,786147,291ahn_hoptoadSend Adhearsion application exceptions to Hoptoad
2365,83353,644sequellaThis gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to create and use Sequel ORM-ba...
2472,28160,549lemondropThis gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to create and use Redis as a qu...
2575,21171,169restful_adhearsionRuby library for consuming the Adhearsion RESTful RPC API
2681,08260,549talking_stickTalkingStick is a Rails Engine that provides easy group-based video conversations, all ...
2793,81460,549paperclip-eitherorStorage for Paperclip which will fallback in case of a file not existing on the primary...
2895,469147,291adhearsion-ivrThis provides a consistent way of implementing Interactive Voice Response prompts, incl...
29114,282147,291arbdroneRuby library for controlling the AR.Drone
30125,06284,493greenskyGreenSky RESTful API integration.
31151,518107,887ld220This gem provides an interface and helper functions for displaying messages on LD220 Po...
32165,335107,887ringfluxThis gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to publish metrics to InfluxDB