1 | 4,595 | 14,136 | toadhopper | A base library for Airbrake error reporting |
2 | 6,061 | 19,470 | rubigen | RubiGen - Ruby Generator Framework |
3 | 8,243 | 21,532 | adhearsion | Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework |
4 | 9,281 | 24,968 | punchblock | Like Rack is to Rails and Sinatra, Punchblock provides a consistent API on top of sever... |
5 | 9,867 | 22,512 | ruby_speech | Prepare SSML and GRXML documents with ease |
6 | 9,935 | 53,556 | es-reindex | Ruby gem to copy ElasticSearch index (reindex). |
7 | 10,698 | 19,470 | ostruct-sanitizer | Provides Rails-like sanitization rules for OpenStruct fields. |
8 | 16,791 | 42,025 | echi-converter | Provides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into... |
9 | 17,441 | 21,532 | adhearsion-asterisk | An Adhearsion Plugin providing Asterisk-specific dialplan methods, AMI access, and acce... |
10 | 19,140 | 31,663 | toadhopper-sinatra | Post Hoptoad notifications from Sinatra |
11 | 29,154 | 53,556 | sippy_cup | This tool makes it easier to generate SIPp load tests with DTMF interactions. |
12 | 35,048 | 86,038 | adhearsion-xmpp | This gem provides the XMPP plugin to Adhearsion, allowing your Adhearsion application t... |
13 | 40,918 | 23,626 | adhearsion-reporter | Report Adhearsion application exceptions and deployments to:
Airbrake / Errbit
N... |
14 | 41,061 | 53,556 | punchblock-console | This gem provides a simple interactive console for troubleshooting and debugging the Ra... |
15 | 41,588 | 53,556 | adhearsion-i18n | This provides helpers that manage internationalized audio prompts, both file-based and ... |
16 | 44,045 | 86,038 | att_speech | A Ruby library for consuming v3 of the AT&T Speech API for speech->text, and text->spee... |
17 | 45,922 | 53,556 | virginia | Gives an Adhearsion app the ability to be controlled and interact over HTTP |
18 | 46,230 | 53,556 | adhearsion-drb | This gem is an Adhearsion plugin that handles the Drb related stuff |
19 | 50,131 | 26,609 | matrioska | Adhearsion plugin for in-call apps. Provides a features-style interface to run applicat... |
20 | 51,727 | 53,556 | electric_slide | Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) for Adhearsion. Currently implements only Round Robin ... |
21 | 58,702 | 86,038 | voicemail | A simple, extensible voicemail implementation |
22 | 63,093 | 86,038 | ahn_hoptoad | Send Adhearsion application exceptions to Hoptoad |
23 | 65,665 | 86,038 | sequella | This gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to create and use Sequel ORM-ba... |
24 | 71,876 | 31,663 | lemondrop | This gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to create and use Redis as a qu... |
25 | 74,656 | 86,038 | restful_adhearsion | Ruby library for consuming the Adhearsion RESTful RPC API |
26 | 80,735 | 86,038 | talking_stick | TalkingStick is a Rails Engine that provides easy group-based video conversations, all ... |
27 | 93,807 | 86,038 | paperclip-eitheror | Storage for Paperclip which will fallback in case of a file not existing on the primary... |
28 | 95,056 | 53,556 | adhearsion-ivr | This provides a consistent way of implementing Interactive Voice Response prompts, incl... |
29 | 113,514 | 53,556 | arbdrone | Ruby library for controlling the AR.Drone |
30 | 124,867 | 42,025 | greensky | GreenSky RESTful API integration. |
31 | 151,055 | 53,556 | ld220 | This gem provides an interface and helper functions for displaying messages on LD220 Po... |
32 | 164,743 | 86,038 | ringflux | This gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to publish metrics to InfluxDB |