Iainbeeston's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,28012,558nickelExtracts date, time, and message information from naturally worded text.
211,69214,282vendoriseA reusable rake task to vendorise a gem hosted in a private git repo
319,96414,282json_validatorActiveModel that validates hash fields using JSON schema
449,24211,903static_associationStaticAssociation adds a simple enum type that can act like an ActiveRecord association...
549,41326,667louFlexible and reversible transforms using a declarative dsl
687,69851,488faraday_api_cacheA faraday middleware that uses API Cache to transparently cache requests
7137,408129,735xml_patchAn implementation of XML Patch (RFC5261) in ruby
8156,423129,735rack-objectspaceSaves objectspace to a key-value store after every request