1 | 14,821 | 3,072 | yard-mongoid | Once yard-mongoid is installed, YARD will automatically load the plugin when ever the `... |
2 | 15,920 | 10,030 | xommelier | XML-Object Mapper with many built-in XML formats supported |
3 | 20,198 | 61,367 | espresso | Useful templates for controller and model functions |
4 | 21,154 | 61,367 | sugar | Some sugar for rails apps |
5 | 25,800 | 61,367 | als_typograf | Ruby client for ArtLebedevStudio.RemoteTypograf service |
6 | 28,359 | 15,549 | neuron | Code reused in many applications |
7 | 29,690 | 61,367 | rspec-roda | RSpec helpers for testing Roda applications and plugins |
8 | 42,762 | 41,086 | giteaucrat | Automatically update copyright messages using git |
9 | 43,956 | 61,367 | ymaps | Different helpers for generating YMapsML, using YMaps widgets and geocoding via Yandex.... |
10 | 48,285 | 41,086 | formtastic_extensions | extension for formtastic, adding tag_list and others |
11 | 58,102 | 61,367 | roda-endpoints | Generic endpoints and specific implementations. |
12 | 63,218 | 61,367 | vk | Wrapper for calling vk.com API from vk.com application servers and sites using vk.com API |
13 | 63,753 | 41,086 | tokak_engine | TokakEngine is an engine to use same users trough all applications |
14 | 64,709 | 61,367 | development-toolbox | Efficient Developer tools |
15 | 69,006 | 61,367 | aepic | Build your epic APIs same time you are building your website. Docs included |
16 | 73,688 | 61,367 | graphiti-openapi | OpenAPI 3.0 specification for your (Graphiti) JSON:API |
17 | 92,120 | 61,367 | dry-plugins | Generic plugin interface. |
18 | 93,210 | 61,367 | sozdat | Rails IDE from Tokak Studio |
19 | 96,648 | 61,367 | fucktherubyracer | In order to work on some app you don’t have to fuck with uninstallable shit that should... |
20 | 104,240 | 33,893 | one_password | File to operate with 1Password's Agile Keychain |
21 | 106,080 | 61,367 | yard-commonmarker | CommonMark and Markdown markup provider for YARD |
22 | 109,392 | 61,367 | unboolean | Boolean is too boring. Let’s add Maybe value. |
23 | 119,024 | 61,367 | formtastic-extensions | extension for formtastic, adding tag_list and others |
24 | 120,010 | 61,367 | haml-coffee-script | Write CoffeeScript inside Haml templates by using filter :coffee |
25 | 121,192 | 61,367 | rgtk | Rails-flavoured Ruby GTK framework |
26 | 129,427 | 61,367 | sprockets-webp-exporter | Sprockets 4 exporter of PNG and JPEG assets to WebP |
27 | 132,968 | 61,367 | roda-monads | Reuse business logic operations in Roda |
28 | 141,393 | 61,367 | synapses | MQ-based application communication and event processing |
29 | 158,379 | 61,367 | inflecto-refinements | Refine your Strings & Numbers easy |
30 | 160,984 | 61,367 | jsonapi-store | Data Store for implementing JSON API-compliant server in Ruby. |
31 | 161,519 | 61,367 | dry-container-nested | Nested containers using Dry::Container and Ruby |
32 | 164,657 | 61,367 | yard-kramdown-markup | Use Kramdown as Markdown markup provider with YARD |
33 | 168,349 | 61,367 | rom-files | Files adapter for ROM |