Sckott's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,74111,882serranoLow Level Ruby Client for the Crossref Search API
221,86551,783veyorLow Level Ruby Client for the Appveyor API
383,15374,484citesSearch for articles, and get citations from DOIs
483,19474,484extciteGets DOIS and generates citations for your papers
5118,09174,484textminerSearch Crossref's search API for full text content, and get full text content.
6136,26874,484gbifrbLow Level Ruby Client for the GBIF API
7157,87874,484lagotto-rbLagotto client for Ruby - get altmetrics from any Lagotto installation.
8168,27274,484phenoscaperbLow Level Ruby Client for the Phenoscape API