Tas50's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3522,851busserBusser - Runs tests for projects in Test Kitchen
21,9742,157solveA Ruby version constraint solver
32,0973,517test-kitchenTest Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and ...
42,1413,530berkshelfManages a Chef cookbook's dependencies
52,1495,485varia_modelA mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing
62,1665,329buff-extensionsExtensions to Core Ruby classes
72,1805,441buff-shell_outA mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output
82,1825,358buff-ruby_engineA mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
92,1865,452buff-configA simple configuration class
102,2135,368buff-ignoreParse ignore files with Ruby
112,8302,486chefspecChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ...
123,01827,598busser-rspecA Busser runner plugin for RSpec
133,0405,031minitest-chef-handlerRun minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system.
143,0876,210kitchen-dockerA Docker Driver for Test Kitchen
153,1434,990kitchen-vagrantKitchen::Driver::Vagrant - A HashiCorp Vagrant Driver for Test Kitchen.
163,2054,450foodcriticA code linting tool for Chef Infra cookbooks.
173,5922,489fauxhai-ngEasily mock out ohai data
183,6526,439berkshelf-api-clientAPI Client for communicating with a Berkshelf API server
193,7574,548kitchen-ec2A Test Kitchen Driver for Amazon EC2
204,2826,592busser-batsA Busser runner plugin for Bats
214,6037,564knife-soloHandles bootstrapping, running chef solo, rsyncing cookbooks etc
224,7268,973kitchen-dokkenA Test Kitchen Driver for Docker & Chef Infra optimized for rapid testing using Chef In...
235,4945,410kitchen-googleA Test-Kitchen driver for Google Compute Engine
246,1516,782em-winrmEventMachine based, asynchronous parallel WinRM client
256,1744,577knifeThe knife CLI for Chef Infra.
266,89114,540guard-foodcriticGuard::Foodcritic automatically runs foodcritic.
277,07819,489vagrant-omnibusA Vagrant plugin that ensures the desired version of Chef is installed via the platform...
287,33315,317vagrant-berkshelfA Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners
298,52814,540kitchen-openstackA Test Kitchen OpenStack Nova driver
309,63315,758kitchen-digitaloceanA Test Kitchen Driver for Digital Ocean
319,92310,630ubuntu_amiRetrieves AMI information from Canonical's Ubuntu release list.Also provides a knife pl...
3210,4058,759kitchen-azurermTest Kitchen driver for the Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) API
3315,66418,285vmware-vraClient gem for interacting with VMware vRealize Automation.
3417,15418,879kitchen-hypervHyper-V Driver for Test-Kitchen
3517,22624,456berkshelf-apiBerkshelf dependency API server
3617,25221,477kitchen-nodesA Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes
3717,91118,879guard-kitchenGuard plugin for test kitchen
3817,91540,310buff-platformA mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
3919,95914,540thor-foodcriticFoodCritic Thor tasks for your Cookbook projects
4020,42621,477kitchen-pesterSkip all that Busser stuff and jump right into Pester.
4120,66824,456winrm-transport[DEPRECATED] Please use the WinRM gem instead. WinRM transport logic for re-using remot...
4221,90619,489kitchen-dscPowerShell DSC provisioner for test-kitchen
4323,29840,310busser-bashA Busser runner plugin for testing bash scripts
4427,29218,879kitchen-vraA Test Kitchen driver for VMware vRealize Automation (vRA)
4527,46940,310berkflowA CLI for managing Chef Environments using Berkshelf and the Environment Cookbook Pattern.
4627,71640,310busser-minitestA Busser runner plugin for the minitest testing library
4728,62840,310reaganTrust But Verify - Ruby build script for Jenkins that automates the testing of Chef coo...
4843,90640,310comradYour rad comrade - Sync changes from git to Chef Server via Jenkins
4945,67240,310singelUnified system image creation using Packer
5079,67540,310berkshelf-bzrA Berkshelf plugin that adds support for downloading Chef cookbooks from Bazaar locations.
5180,13418,879chef_deprecationsA gem to provide a simple way to deprecate gems in chef-workstation.
52158,59040,310supermarketapiGem to interact with the Chef Supermarket Restful API
53164,50040,310fauxhai-ng-slimEasily mock out ohai data
54167,98140,310fauxhai_generatorSpin up systems in AWS and generate new Fauxhai dumps
55180,25040,310cookstyle-ngCookstyle is a code linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks by...