Vinsol's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,73261,367spree_account_recurringSpree extension to manage recurring payments/subscriptions using Stripe Payment Gateway.
237,64261,367spree_favorite_productsThis extension adds the following features: 1. Adds a link Mark as favorite on product ...
341,85461,367spree_walletAdd wallet payment method functionality to spree
443,34961,367fullcalendar_engineEngine Implementation of jQuery Full Calendar
545,40561,367spree-bank-transferThis Spree extension allows admin to provide bank transfer payment method to its users.
648,92761,367spree-point-of-saleExtend functionality for spree to give shop like ordering ability through admin end
751,50261,367spree_admin_roles_and_accessDynamically defines roles and grants it permissions
860,25761,367spree_loyalty_pointsTo award loyalty points and add loyalty points payment method to spree
965,34561,367simple_audio_captchaadds audio support to simple captcha
1068,63941,086spree_unified_paymentEnable spree store to allow payment via UnifiedPayment
1169,06461,367basic_presenterA simplified way to glue presenter methods to its domain object
1284,33361,367webpay_interswitchA simple gem to integrate Rails app with Webpay Interswitch, a nigerian payment gateway
1386,49325,716nested_attributes_uniquenessChecks for uniqueness vaidation in nested attributes for objects in memory .
1490,50861,367unified_paymentInterface to handle payments via UnifiedPayment for rails app.
1591,92861,367spree_gtpayEnable spree store to allow payment via GTPay, a GTBank Payment Gateway for Nigeria
1694,88761,367sage_worldRuby Wrapper for SageWorld catalog.
17101,58433,893onfleetOnfleet is an API wrapper for Onfleet's API (
18123,81561,367solidus_events_trackerTracks user activity and events on the server side. Use Solidus Admin Insights to build...
19128,77833,893passenger_monitorMonitors passenger workers of your application and if the workers exceeds the memor...
20129,42761,367spree_pagaEnable spree store to allow payment via PAGA Gateway (an online payment solution for Af...
21134,02861,367solidus_favorite_productsThis extension adds the following features: 1. Adds a link Mark as favorite on product ...
22134,86061,367solidus_admin_insightsAdd (optional) gem description here
23148,54561,367spree-split-paymentsProvides the feature for a Spree store to allow user to club payment methods to pay for...
24160,40961,367spree_events_trackerTrack keywords search, checkout events, add to cart, remove from cart and other events.
25160,48961,367spree_admin_insightsTrack what product being viewed, what being purchased. Who are consistant buyers etc.
26160,63461,367hash_stripperA simple utility gem that will strip out spaces in your hash. It handles arrays, hashes...
27161,00261,367vinsol_spree_themesThis extension provides an interface for the admin to upload new themes, publish it to ...