Rubenestevez's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,70019, site layouts
221,12154,789lita-github_pr_listList open pull requests for an organization.
324,79754,789ama_validatorsCompile the following validators: - Credit card - Email - Membership number - Phone num...
425,10754,789lita-server_statusStore and list out the statuses of applications
531,34554,789lita-ticket_notifierNotify users about new tickets coming in.
635,45254,789maropostInteract with the Maropost API
741,47954,789attribute_normalizer-extrasSpecific normalizers that we commonly use in our apps
842,57854,789ama_css["This gem has been created to standardized use of css files for basic AMA applications."]
970,29432,525webtrendsMake use of the Webtrends api to post event data for analytics purposes.
1081,95754,789moneris_simulatorSimulator for Moneris Hosted Tokenization
1191,27423,794sorcery-encryptorCustom encryption for Sorcery
1297,13154,789webtrends-railsMake use of Webtrends gem to allow server-side tracking in a Rails application.
13109,33754,789lita-karotz_actionsSend actions to the karot kake app
14116,47454,789gatekeeper-wildcard_redirect_uriAllow gatekeeper to wildcard redirect_uri's
15117,03854,789lita-youtrack"Lita bugs", "lita project PROJECT", "lita projects"
16161,75754,789gem_monitorCrosscheck the gem file versions against ruby gems latest versions and create a report.