1 | 1,389 | 2,096 | buftok | BufferedTokenizer extracts token delimited entities from a sequence of string inputs |
2 | 6,302 | 18,388 | engineyard-cloud-client | This gem connects to the EY Cloud API |
3 | 13,900 | 15,369 | git-ssh-wrapper | Generate a permissive GIT_SSH wrapper script using a private key string or file for use... |
4 | 15,325 | 13,960 | gitable | Addressable::URI for Git "URIs" with special handling for scp-style remotes that Addres... |
5 | 24,770 | 59,086 | active_collection | A lazy-loading, Array-like collection proxy for ActiveRecord that understands condition... |
6 | 26,383 | 35,677 | ardm | ActiveRecord plugin to provide a smooth migration from DataMapper to ActiveRecord |
7 | 33,895 | 59,086 | realweb | Easily runs a rack app for tests that hit web APIs |
8 | 49,690 | 59,086 | ey_resolver | Resolves apps, environments, app_environments and accounts using a set of constraints |
9 | 57,764 | 59,086 | regrit | Deal with remote git repositories, yo. |
10 | 60,114 | 35,677 | engineyard-dns | Easily configure your DNS with Engine Yard AppCloud via Fog. |
11 | 61,425 | 59,086 | sous_chef | Create bash scripts using a simple chef-like syntax |
12 | 71,898 | 59,086 | engineyard-jenkins | Run your continuous integration (CI) tests against your Engine Yard AppCloud environmen... |
13 | 82,986 | 59,086 | ardm-rails | DataMapper rails adapter |
14 | 83,324 | 59,086 | ardm-migrations | Ardm fork of dm-migrations |
15 | 94,892 | 59,086 | capissh | Extraction of Capistrano's parallel SSH command execution |
16 | 99,181 | 59,086 | ardm-core | Ardm fork of dm-core |
17 | 102,610 | 59,086 | ardm-do-adapter | DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper |
18 | 103,100 | 35,677 | ardm-active_model | A datamapper plugin for active_model compliance |
19 | 103,632 | 59,086 | ardm-mysql-adapter | MySQL Adapter for DataMapper |
20 | 104,539 | 59,086 | ardm-types | Ardm fork of dm-types |
21 | 120,192 | 59,086 | em-powerdns | Ruby EventMachine PowerDNS Protocol for PDNS custom pipe backend |
22 | 129,263 | 59,086 | martinemde-dm-salesforce-adapter | A DataMapper 1.1.x adapter to the Salesforce API |
23 | 136,740 | 59,086 | ardm-aggregates | DataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections |
24 | 136,878 | 59,086 | ardm-sqlite-adapter | Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper |
25 | 137,478 | 59,086 | bulk | Implements a uniform deployment interface for applications by reducing specific applica... |
26 | 138,076 | 59,086 | ardm-timestamps | DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps |
27 | 138,577 | 59,086 | ardm-sweatshop | DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models |
28 | 138,889 | 59,086 | ardm-serializer | DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections |
29 | 138,991 | 59,086 | ardm-validations | Ardm fork of dm-validations |
30 | 139,152 | 59,086 | ardm-is-state_machine | DataMapper plugin for creating state machines |
31 | 139,182 | 59,086 | ardm-transactions | Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them |
32 | 140,213 | 59,086 | ardm-observer | DataMapper plugin for observing Resources |
33 | 148,934 | 59,086 | topt | Thor compatible command line option parser. A replacement for Ruby's OptionParser (optp... |