Sceptique's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,92911,510rubyhelperImprovements and additions by poulet_a to the basic ruby classes
217,25017,054nephos-servera minimalist server, based on rack, with routing, rendering, and controllers. Designed ...
336,33823,640ruby_emailA RFC compliant email validator
439,51340,844sloubirequire 'sloubi' ; Sloubi::Sloubi.count(424242, 4242, false)
552,44550,275nomorebeerNO MORE BEER !!! It's enough !
655,48460,752epimath100EpiMath100, a ruby gem lib to use lines, functions, points, ...
765,72669,337frnamesA gem to create good names for the fkngs France's towns
876,90177,363ogemA Gem to manage your fleet on Ogame. Fr
983,90177,363nephosFix nstatus
1090,51892,362manga_fetchmanga_fetch is a gem to download a manga
1195,06892,362temptofileTempfile to File
12104,53592,362gabuzomeuShadok counter
13111,567107,759binomial_distributionA ruby implementation of the Binomial Distribution
14111,637107,759jalikJalik parser
15119,561107,759tor257An experimental encryption algorithm
16140,400139,268text2pngForked from
17146,209139,268lolbaserA lolbaser counter
18156,878107,759ruby_probaImplementation of normale distribution, binomial distribution
19157,335139,268mechanize-random-agentA mechanize helper to get new user agents
20158,090182,265async2Asynchronous concurrent stuff lib. IO and HTTP layers.
21160,603139,268normale_distributionA ruby implementation of the Normal Distribution
22161,61992,362focus.rbA tool to help you focus on work* Block hosts names localy
23165,998139,268sinatra_auth_tokenA auth token for sinatra