Wschenk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,26759,086happy_seedHappySeed is a project that will build up a rails apps using some common best practices.
223,2929,235dateslicesA Rails 4 ActiveRecord plugin that adds group_by_day, group_by_month, etc. Not timezone...
381,58959,086socialinvestigatorSimple command line tool to look at urls.
484,11859,086benevolent_gazeSee your coworkers. Totally not creepy.
592,85559,086middleman-graphvizSimple middleman extension to embed graphviz diagrams in your site.
699,62459,086blendProject management for HappyFunCorp projects.
7113,97059,086middleman-autometatagsA middleman extension inspired by the metatag gem that helps manage metatags.
8143,60535,677middleman-blog-uiBasic web UI for a middleman-blog.