Sergeiq's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,1799,147rack-attack-rate-limitAdd RateLimit headers for Rack::Attack throttling
210,6365,345quandl_clientAn orm for the cassinatra rest interface.
312,1908,655quandlA ruby implementation of the quandl client to be used as an ORM for quandl's restful APIs.
412,8416,585quandl_operationData will be operated
513,2896,776quandl_dataData will be interfaced
617,1197,576quandl_cassinatraAn orm for the cassinatra rest interface.
720,1998,516quandl_formatData will be loaded and dumped.
821,42711,877quandl_loggerQuandl logger class for use in quandl gems.
921,82618,158quandl-configLoad ERB-based YML files into open OpenStruct objects for ease of use.
1021,8989,147quandl_cassandraQuandl cassandra interface. CQL.
1122,11811,043scope_composerScopes will be built
1223,87413,614quandl_babelfishQuandl Data Cleaner
1336,32712,967quandl_utilityTools for making our lives easier.
1444,10914,438quandl_cassandra_modelsQuandl cassandra interface. CQL.
1587,72925,458quandl_locationProvides a library for accessing data from arbitrary key-value storage
16108,72130,305quandl_sandboxLaunch and execute code inside an ec2 instance. Supports vpc private subnet via ssh gat...