Aldesantis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2994,532solidus_coreEssential models, mailers, and classes for the Solidus e-commerce project.
23,3054,698solidus_apiREST API for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
33,3154,686solidus_backendAdmin interface for the Solidus e-commerce framework.
43,3614,809solidus_sampleSample data (including images) for use with Solidus.
53,3814,703solidusSolidus is an open source e-commerce framework for Ruby on Rails.
63,3864,794solidus_frontendLegacy cart and storefront for the Solidus e-commerce project. For new Solidus apps, we...
73,3884,375solidus_auth_deviseProvides authentication and authorization services for use with Solidus by using Devise...
83,5944,122solidus_supportCommon runtime helpers for Solidus extensions.
95,2465,530solidus_stripeStripe Payment Method for Solidus
1010,7216,315solidus_reviewsReview and rating functionality for your Solidus store.
1114,2937,349solidus_dev_supportDevelopment tools for Solidus extensions.
1216,38786,038solidus_static_contentManage the static pages of your Solidus store or replace existing pages with a static v...
1317,24911,978solidus_paypal_commerce_platformIntegrate Solidus with Paypal Commerce Platform
1422,26914,136solidus_socialAdds social network login services (OAuth) to Solidus
1522,84342,025pragmaA pragmatic architecture for building JSON APIs with Ruby.
1623,32986,038pragma-operationBusiness logic encapsulation for your JSON API.
1724,15253,556pragma-railsRuby on Rails integration for the Pragma architecture.
1826,20786,038pragma-decoratorConvert your API resources into JSON with minimum hassle.
1933,47286,038prependersEasily and cleanly extend third-party code.
2036,27986,038abacoAbaco is a gem for converting numbers into Italian words.
2138,28123,626hertzA Rails engine for in-app notifications.
2240,20086,038adaptorAdaptor makes it easy to implement the Adapter pattern in Ruby.
2340,27653,556solidus_volume_pricingAllow prices to be configured in quantity ranges for each variant
2440,92153,556pragma-contractForm objects on steroids for your HTTP API.
2541,63486,038pragma-policyFine-grained access control for your API resources.
2646,69386,038solidus_paypal_braintreeUses the javascript API for seamless braintree payments
2753,15286,038postinoPostino allows you to generate Italian postal payment forms in PDF format using Prawn.
2864,52353,556articA Ruby gem for time computations.
2965,52326,609hertz-emailAn ActionMailer courier for Hertz.
3067,57528,793hertz-courier-emailAn ActionMailer courier for Hertz.
3171,65353,556solidus_easypostEasyPost integration for Solidus stores.
3272,62986,038rocket_pants-paginationPagination support for RocketPants.
3376,22335,920hertz-twilioA Twilio courier for Hertz.
3483,41286,038timefulA Rails engine for building timelines.
3583,55035,920hertz-courier-twilioA Twilio courier for Hertz.
3686,73186,038bollettinoBollettino is a tool for generating Italian postal payment slips.
3787,49486,038solidus_product_feedA Solidus extension that provides an RSS feed for products, with support for Google Mer...
3890,05053,556solidus_subscriptionsAdd subscription support to Solidus
3999,87235,920renderfulRender your Contentful space!
40102,15753,556bollettino-clibollettino-cli is a CLI for the Bollettino library. It supports generation from CSV fil...
41109,70086,038skebbyA Ruby client for the Skebby SMS API.
42130,85953,556solidus_shipstationA Solidus extension for integrating the ShipStation API.
43137,27986,038solidus_extension_dev_toolsDevelopment tools for Solidus extensions.
44142,54753,556hertz-courier-intercomAn Intercom courier for Hertz.
45143,81286,038solidus_tax_cloudSolidus extension providing Tax Cloud services