Mscccc's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,7107,376fast_pageFastPage applies the MySQL "deferred join" optimization to your ActiveRecord offset/lim...
238,65051,780activerecord-sql_commenterThis gem changes ActiveRecord's query logs to be compatible with the sqlcommenter format.
344,15816,044htmlcsstoimage-apiRuby client for the HTML/CSS to Image API. Generate a png, jpg or webp images with Ruby...
444,40065,668share_meow_clientRuby client for generating ShareMeow URLs (
551,24351,780rspec-rainbowthe rainbow progress formatter for RSpec
659,40651,780scrum_yoScrumYo! Be awesome at your daily stand up with a summary of all your recent GitHub act...
763,94765,668kitty_eventsSuper simple event system on top of ActiveJob
881,92731,705planetscaleRuby client for PlanetScale Databases
9115,12219,394planetscale_railsA collection of rake tasks to make managing schema migrations with PlanetScale easy
10141,26075,401add_eventRuby client for using the AddEvent API (
11143,496113,030gmail_markupGmail markup in rails