Criticaljuncture's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 17,811 | 28,543 | federal_register | Ruby API Client for that handles searching documents and getting in... |
2 | 23,671 | 59,086 | thunder_punch | Collection of capistano recipes for deployment and server tasks |
3 | 65,444 | 35,677 | stevedore | Get metadata about PDFs and extract full-quality images. Wrapper around `pdfimages` and... |
4 | 93,287 | 59,086 | ecfr | Ruby client for APIs provided by |
5 | 137,848 | 59,086 | i18n_accessor | see README |
6 | 140,488 | 59,086 | stylin | Rails engine for a living style guide. |