Karlcoelho's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,5888,027jqueryjQuery for Ruby.
292,49057,505mediumAllows you to interact with the Medium API with Ruby.
3127,57557,505alias_to_methodAllows you convert a string of alias methods to public methods.
4136,61457,505bittorrentBittorrent Client written in Ruby.
5141,94657,505hash2xmlNo big deal. A small addition to the Ruby Hash Class, allowing a to_xml method.
6147,06357,505split_with_characterAllows you split a string, but keep the character the string is split by.
7147,69330,732thisisdubaiJust a test gem over here
8149,38630,732snipsA mini local snippet manager.
9152,26630,732scrapinatorA scraper which will output every and every link it finds on a page, to the console.