Pi-chan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,14229,456copy_tuner_clientClient for the CopyTuner copy management service
280,68041,086must_be_ordered`must_be_ordered` gem is to warn or raise error if `order` is not set to ActiveRecord's...
387,51729,456markdown_section_numberingAdd section numbers to markdown headings.
4104,70161,367pumanCLI utility for puma-dev.
6115,23961,367ruboty-bitbucket_mergeTo merge branches on bitbucket via Ruboty.
7115,47141,086open_uri_allow_redirectOpenURI patch to allow redirections between HTTP and HTTPs inside the block
8144,18061,367idea_cardThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
9152,92161,367ruboty-appearGenerate video chat room on appear.in via Ruboty
10154,77461,367ruboty-herokuHeroku integration via Ruboty.