Alexvangelov's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,32225,404extfaceExtface allows use of Cash Registers, Fiscal and POS printers without physical connecti...
217,38849,619billingProvides billing for an ActiveRecord model
335,88949,619vis-railsThis gem provides Rails driver for browser-based visualization library
439,74749,619chartspecGenerates HTML files with case execution time charts for recurrent RSpec tests
564,686108,739angular-material-railsThis gem adds Angular Material to Rails assets pipeline
680,73849,619sencha-touch-railsThis gem provides Sencha Touch GPL to Rails assets pipeline
7148,51241,117omniauth-vonageThis gem provides OmniAuth strategy for
8157,707108,739sellingSelling model structure for billing gem