Redbubble's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,67272,875kumo_keiseiA collection of utilities for dealing with AWS Cloud Formation.
221,66822,372key-vaultPut all your secrets in the vault
323,61953,842kumo_kiGem for accessing secrets in Amazon's Key Management Service
427,66872,875megaphone-clientSend events to Megaphone.
528,63872,875kumo_dockercloudUse to create Redbubble environments on the DockerCloud platform
636,62872,875fluent-plugin-append-kubernetes-annotations-to-tagPlugin to append Kubernetes annotations to Fluentd tags
741,73872,875smartling_apiWrapper for the Smartling API.
855,01823,369bing-content-apiInterface with Bing Content API for managing Shopping Ads.
972,18033,005conditional_capistranoConditionally schedule and execute capistrano tasks based on changes to specified paths
1090,29272,875fluent-plugin-append-kubernetes-labels-to-tagFilter plugin to append certain Kubernetes labels to the Fluentd tag
1196,44372,875fluent-plugin-annotation-filterFluent plugin to filter based on Kubernetes annotations
12126,38672,875kumo_configA utility for reading Kumo configuration
13155,83172,875samson_release_number_from_ciUse this gem together with zendesk/samson, samson is a continuous deployment tool. By i...
14174,36372,875fluentd-plugin-annotation-filterFluentd plugin to filter based on Kubernetes annotations
15176,25572,875rb-fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-logsCloudWatch Logs Plugin for Fluentd with memory profiling