1 | 3,922 | 5,931 | cfndsl | DSL for creating AWS Cloudformation templates |
2 | 10,775 | 129,735 | wes-data-api | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
3 | 10,953 | 51,488 | woody-decorators | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
4 | 15,232 | 32,595 | bbc-cosmos-tools | Tool for interacting with BBC Cosmos platform |
5 | 27,209 | 32,595 | jj-middleware | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
6 | 29,360 | 32,595 | spurious-server | The server component that the spurious cli client connects to |
7 | 41,131 | 51,488 | wes-cloudkit | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
8 | 42,343 | 26,667 | spurious | Spurious is a cli tool that interacts with the spurious server |
9 | 45,375 | 51,488 | spurious-ruby-awssdk-helper | Helper gem for configuring the AWS ruby SDK with spurious details |
10 | 65,652 | 32,595 | clint-upload | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
11 | 73,924 | 51,488 | fake_elasticache | This gem is best suited to dev environments where you need to connect to a local memcac... |