Alpaca-tc's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,8386,071active_record_encryptionProvides transparent encryption for ActiveRecord. You can protect your data with any en...
29,1666,123textlint-rubyruby source code parser for textlint
310,4304,593rspec-parameterized-contextThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
413,07911,987active_model_attributes_backportBackport ActiveModel::Attributes -like method
513,98322,141graphdoc-rubyStatic page rack application for documenting GraphQL Schema
622,38646,897admin_scriptA module for creating flexible, simple scripts for project in Rails.
722,67480,049type_attributesA type cast for ActiveModel
825,61316,339active_record_multiple_query_cacheEnable the query_cache for your abstract base class inherited from ActiveRecord::Base
926,15018,627active_record_bitmaskSimple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord
1030,06313,628mastermanMasterman is static data loader for Ruby. It loads data from direct or file, and define...
1133,36246,897activejob_delayed_executionactive_job_delayed_execution provides very simple delayed behavior for Ruby.
1235,25880,049mimemagic_action_pack_uploaded_fileExtend ActionDispatch::HTTP::UploadedFile to detect file type from magic byte
1395,44980,049snail_parserThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
14103,81634,466comment_extractorcomment_extractor extracts comments from source code
15115,34034,466contributorPrint detail of contribution
16116,447163,113switch_dbThis cli provides a way to load/dump database in development environment
17119,966163,113rails_master_key_kms_decrypterAWS KMS decryption for rails credentials
18154,90534,466diver_downDiverDown is a tool designed to dynamically analyze application dependencies and genera...
19156,399163,113activerecord-dowsingAdd comment where is it called in your sql automatically. It's useful for code reading.
20160,586163,113active_support-encrypted_redis_cache_storeactive_support-encrypted_redis_store provides a encrypted cache for ActiveSupport. It p...
21168,97780,049typed_attributeA type cast for ActiveModel