1 | 7,838 | 6,071 | active_record_encryption | Provides transparent encryption for ActiveRecord. You can protect your data with any en... |
2 | 9,166 | 6,123 | textlint-ruby | ruby source code parser for textlint |
3 | 10,430 | 4,593 | rspec-parameterized-context | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
4 | 13,079 | 11,987 | active_model_attributes_backport | Backport ActiveModel::Attributes -like method |
5 | 13,983 | 22,141 | graphdoc-ruby | Static page rack application for documenting GraphQL Schema |
6 | 22,386 | 46,897 | admin_script | A module for creating flexible, simple scripts for project in Rails. |
7 | 22,674 | 80,049 | type_attributes | A type cast for ActiveModel |
8 | 25,613 | 16,339 | active_record_multiple_query_cache | Enable the query_cache for your abstract base class inherited from ActiveRecord::Base |
9 | 26,150 | 18,627 | active_record_bitmask | Simple bitmask attribute support for ActiveRecord |
10 | 30,063 | 13,628 | masterman | Masterman is static data loader for Ruby. It loads data from direct or file, and define... |
11 | 33,362 | 46,897 | activejob_delayed_execution | active_job_delayed_execution provides very simple delayed behavior for Ruby. |
12 | 35,258 | 80,049 | mimemagic_action_pack_uploaded_file | Extend ActionDispatch::HTTP::UploadedFile to detect file type from magic byte |
13 | 95,449 | 80,049 | snail_parser | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
14 | 103,816 | 34,466 | comment_extractor | comment_extractor extracts comments from source code |
15 | 115,340 | 34,466 | contributor | Print detail of contribution |
16 | 116,447 | 163,113 | switch_db | This cli provides a way to load/dump database in development environment |
17 | 119,966 | 163,113 | rails_master_key_kms_decrypter | AWS KMS decryption for rails credentials |
18 | 154,905 | 34,466 | diver_down | DiverDown is a tool designed to dynamically analyze application dependencies and genera... |
19 | 156,399 | 163,113 | activerecord-dowsing | Add comment where is it called in your sql automatically. It's useful for code reading. |
20 | 160,586 | 163,113 | active_support-encrypted_redis_cache_store | active_support-encrypted_redis_store provides a encrypted cache for ActiveSupport. It p... |
21 | 168,977 | 80,049 | typed_attribute | A type cast for ActiveModel |