Jphager2's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,5419,279mangdownDownload Manga
249,61561,367buapiUseful interface BakaUpdates
353,18661,367search_meUses LIKE to search attributes and return any objects of the model for which a match is...
456,10261,367ruby-goA gem to play go and save games as sgf
558,93361,367ruby-chessA gem to play chess
666,98461,367cal_months_rails3A nice extension for quickly incorporating icalendar imports with default views (Rails 4)
775,04061,367docker-devUseful interface to docker
878,83921,627my_mangaManage Manga Downloads
988,70261,367basic_api_clientExample of a basic api client that keeps access-token headers
1091,80761,367scrapeworkFramework for mapping ruby objects to web resources,which you can then manipulate.
11108,45841,086cal_monthsA nice extension for quickly incorporating icalendar imports with default views (Rails 3)
12109,99161,367wbapiUseful interface to World Bank API
13113,98461,367spreadsheet_builderA nice extension for building xls spreadsheets
14117,35161,367seznam_slovnikCLI for Seznam's Slovnik
15146,58561,367gotaskuA gem to download SGFs of go problems
16157,77661,367cal_months_rails4A nice extension for quickly incorporating icalendar imports with default views (Rails 4)