Ministryofjustice's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,36911,543gov_uk_date_fieldsProvides acts_as_gov_uk_date to mark Rails model attributes as dates that will be enter...
210,27010,177govuk_notify_railsCustom ActionMailer delivery method for sending emails via GOV.UK Notify API
313,33889,538moj_templateBasic template for MOJ Services
427,41789,538govuk_elements_form_builderCustom Ruby on Rails form builder that generates GOV.UK elements styled markup for form...
531,37358,808glimr-api-clientEasy integration with the glimr case management system
632,12958,808string_scrubberLogstasher fails if controller params are not properly encoded. This fixes these.
739,97640,337laa-fee-calculator-clientRuby client for the Ministry of Justices LAA fee calculator API. A simple interface for...
858,71319,942cloud-platform-repository-checkerCheck that ministryofjustice/cloud-platform-* github repositories comply with our stand...
962,73289,538postcodeinfo-client-rubyProvides a convenient interface for looking up postcodes in an instance of the MoJ post...
1071,40589,538govuk-pay-api-clientAn API client to handle Govuk Pay interactions
1174,16289,538metrics_adapterCollect custom metrics from your application.
1290,39589,538ministryofjustice-dangerAdd Danger and linter gems
13106,12358,808laa-apply-for-legalaid-api-clientRuby client for the LAA Apply for legal aid API
14109,49858,808govuk-pay-ruby-clientRuby client for GOV.UK Pay API (basic functionality)