Pittman's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,19863,432nikkiA simple one-line-a-day journaling app.
227,84563,432stockerstocker will help track how many of something you have on hand.
346,51663,432ldgrA command-line tool for managing Ledger transactions.
458,74422,084formkeepA library for interacting with the formkeep API.
562,79241,916stickynotificationsA gem for creating Sticky Notifications.
685,70041,916rushover-cliA command-line interface for the rushover gem.
789,15263,432commandcA CLI for Command-C on OS X.
8143,14863,432fitnessTrack your fitness from the command line.
9147,25363,432ystoreA small library for making working with YAML::Store easier.
10148,02963,432kashManage your finances.
11150,45963,432omnifocus-cliA command-line interface for OmniFocus.